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Earth medicine constellation at UK Shamanic Gathering 2018

This workshop will be a systemic constellation with the theme of Earth Medicine.

Systemic constellations are rituals used to work with systems e.g. families, ancestors, organizations or nature. They can also be used to work with dreams or more abstract concepts such as Earth medicine. The intention is to model a system and obtain information from its energy field to uncover hidden things, allowing issue resolution, wound healing, transformation, and restoration of balance and harmony to the system. We can use shamanic techniques like journeying and spirit merging in constellations.

Shamanic constellation work will be introduced and the difference with psycho-therapeutic applications of constellations explained. A constellation will then be held to bring earth medicine into the group and explore how participants can use earth medicine.

August 18

Destiny retrieval course at the Isle of Avalon Foundation, Glastonbury

June 12

Shamanic retreat on Lamma Island, Hong Kong