Power Animal Eagle

Most cultures believe that we have one or more specific animal spirit(s) connected to us and that can be teachers and guides. These are known as power animals, spirit animals or totem animals. We look at characteristics of eagles, eagles in world traditions, and what it means if Eagle is your power animal.

Common associations for eagles and the Eagle power animal include the following:

Achievement, Ambition, Beauty, Bravery, Courage, Creativity, Determination, Devotion, Duty, Foresight, Fortitude, Freedom, Grace, Honor, Hope, Immortality, Independence, Inspiration, Intuition, Leadership, Loyalty, Power, Pride, Psychic Ability, Salvation, Strength, Tenacity, Truth, Vision, Vitality, Willpower, Wisdom.

Eagles are an apex predator, being at the top of their food chain. Eagles hunt by day. They capture the weak and the sick, helping to keep other animal populations healthy and preventing the spread of disease. Eagles do not scavenge; they only eat the meat of prey they have killed. Eagles do not surrender to the size of strength of their prey, and fight to win prey or territory.

Eagles are one of the largest birds. As with most birds of prey, the female is larger and heavier than the male. They weigh on average twelve pounds and have a wingspan up to seven feet and a body length of about three feet. They have stronger muscles on their legs than other birds.

Eagles can fly higher than all other birds, being able to go up to 10,000 to 15,000 feet. They are also one of the fastest birds and can fly at a speed of up to one hundred miles per hour when diving. Bald eagles have large wings allowing them to soar over large areas and can travel 400 to 500 miles a day. Eagles fly towards toward storms and use air currents to soar to great heights.

Eagles have great vision. Their eyes are located on the side of their head giving a wide field of view. They contain one million color-sensitive cones in their eyes compared to 200,00 cones in humans, making their eyes five times sharper than humans and meaning they see more of the color spectrum. Eagles can see prey over from a couple of miles away.

Eagles are monogamous and mate for life. Male eagles help incubate eggs and raise eaglets. Eagles may return to their nest each year, meaning old eagles can have large nests. Eagles nurture their young while teaching them fearlessness.

Eagles live for 20-30 years. There is a myth that eagles “renew” themselves and extend their life span by removing their own beak, talons, and feathers at the age of 30. This is false.

Threats to eagles include conflicts with humans, habitat loss, deforestation, starvation, pollution, and the illegal wildlife trade.

Eagles appear in the mythology of most cultures, which may consider eagles messengers of the gods, carrying prayers to Spirit and returning with gifts and visions. They are symbols of power, freedom, salvation, and hope, and are associated with creation, the sun, storms, thunder, and lightning. Many  consider eagle feathers to have powerful qualities, and only permit specific people to use or wear them.

In Greek mythology the eagle is a symbol of the triumph of good over evil associated with the god Zeus, who shapeshifts into eagle form to control thunder and lightning. In Roman mythology the eagle is a symbol for victory associated with the god Jupiter. The Romans associated eagles with war and depicted eagles carrying thunderbolts in their talons. In Egyptian mythology the eagle was a symbol of protection associated with the goddess Nekhbet. The Hittites used a double-headed eagle emblem so they would never be surprised. In Sumerian legend the eagle was able to interpret dreams. Arabic folklore tells of a giant eagle-like creature called a roc, which was able to carry an elephant in its talons, and which destroyed ships in the legend of Sinbad.

The Aztec god Huitzilpochtli, whose symbol is an eagle, is the god of the sun and war. The eagle is now the symbol of Mexico and is on the Mexican flag. Zulu people believe that the eagle is a symbol of creation, sacred, and a symbol of God’s power. In Chinese culture, Lei Dong, the Daoist god of thunder, is half-man and half-eagle. To the Japanese, eagles are auspicious, and feature in legends of Amaterasu the sun goddess. The Aboriginal Australian creator deity Bunjil is an eagle and an ancestral being. Celtic mythology features the eagle in the tale of Blodeuwedd. In Norse mythology, a hawk sits between the eyes of an eagle in the World Tree Yggdrasill.

Native Americans see the Eagle as sacred. A tribe may have an eagle clan, who believe they have an eagle ancestor, or believe eagle symbolizes the Thunderbird, a mythical eagle that creates thunder and lightning by flapping its wings. The eagle is also the symbol of the Unites States of America.

Eagles and eagle symbols also feature in all the major religions. In Christianity, the eagle symbolizes hope, power, protection, strength, and salvation. In the Book of Revelation, it is one of the four creatures that surround God’s throne. In Islam, the eagle represents warlike ferocity, nobility, and dominion. In Hinduism and Buddhism, the Garuda is a giant eagle deity with supernatural powers that personifies power and courage and that is the vahana (transportation) for the Hindu god Vishnu.

If eagle or eagle symbols and images appears to you in reality it can have different meanings. Eagle is associated with east, rebirth, dawn, and spring, and can herald a new beginning. You may be experiencing a spiritual awakening with a greater connection to the divine. Eagle may be asking you to reach higher and be more than you thought possible. Eagle may be asking you to see the big picture and look at your life from a broader perspective. Eagle may provide you with creative inspiration. An opportunity may be about to present itself that you can take advantage of. Seeing an Eagle can mean good luck. It can also just mean that your Power Animal wants you to contact them.

People interpret the meaning of seeing an eagle in dreams in the following ways. It may be a call to focus on your destiny or life purpose or turn your dreams into reality. If you are anxious or afraid you may be avoiding a situation that you should face. If you have a feeling of exhilaration, it could mean your spirit feels free. If you see an eagle starting to fly, you should rise and take a broader perspective. If you dream of a soaring eagle, it may be time to listen to your intuition. If you see an eagle diving or swooping, it can mean there is deception. If you dream that you are an eagle flying, it can indicate astral travel. If an Eagle attacks, self-imposed boundaries may be limiting you and holding you back.

Call on Eagle in the following situations. When you want to embark on a spiritual quest or integrate spiritual insights into your life. If you are ready to embrace something new and different. When you are facing challenges, difficulties, tough choices, or are going through major changes. If you have lost sight of the big picture and are too focused on details. If you need inspiration or are about to start a creative endeavor. When an opportunity presents itself and you are not sure whether to act on it or not. If you want to show leadership. If you want to find a soul mate or renew a commitment to a significant other. If you need more freedom or autonomy in an area of your life.

If Eagle is your power animal you are a visionary, should have or seek a vision for your life, and know how to manifest it. You may be a healer, have emerging healing powers, or be awakening to self-healing. You have strong intuition and a potential for prophecy. You may be an inspired messenger. Your imagination can soar to great heights and may facilitate your creativity. You conserve your energy, focus on what is important and may not care too much for details. You value truth and integrity. You can fly high while remaining connected to the earth and grounded. You accept challenges and take advantage of opportunities, knowing they help you develop. You value your freedom, and do not like restrictions or limitations, but still value others. Others may see you as a loner or not prepared to commit but are looking for a soul mate. You are a natural leader, somebody that others gravitate towards. You strive to achieve and may become more than you could have imagined possible.

The header image is by Peter K Burian - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, link


Power Animal Wolf

