Australian shamanism
In this post we will explore some key concepts, key spirits, and ritual tools used in Australian aboriginal tradition, which is essentially a shamanic tradition.
The First Shaman
People who start studying or practising shamanism often ask the question “Who was the first shaman?” Here we look at the main ideas about the archetypal First Shaman, and explain how you can journey to them.
Animal protection rituals
In this post we will explore some cross-cultural fire rituals that are used for animal purification and protection, as well as describe a symbolic equivalent.
Mongolian Shamanism
In this post we will explore some key concepts, tools, and rituals in Mongolian shamanism, looking at cosmology, key beliefs, concepts, tools used, and some cultural taboos and omens.
Power Animal Bear
In this post we look at characteristics of bears, bears in world traditions and religions, what it means if you see or dream of bears, when to call on Bear, and what it means if Bear is your power animal.
Medicine Walk
In this post we look at the practice of the medicine walk, which can be performed on your own or as part of a group.
Power Animal Horse
In this post we look at characteristics of horses, horses in world traditions and religions, what it means if you see or dream of horses, when to call on Horse, and what it means if Horse is your power animal.
Power Animal Deer
In this post we look at characteristics of deer, deer in world traditions and religions, what it means if you see or dream of deer, when to call on Deer, and what it means if Deer is your power animal.
Andean Shamanism
In this post we will explore some key concepts, tools, and rituals in Andean shamanism. This covers ritual practices used in South American countries such as Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina.
Power Animal Wolf
In this post we look at characteristics of wolves, wolves in world traditions and religions, what it means if you see or dream of wolves, when to call on Wolf, and what it means if Wolf is your power animal.
Power Animal Eagle
In this post we look at characteristics of eagles, eagles in world traditions and religions, what it means if you see or dream of eagles, when to call on Eagle, and what it means if Eagle is your power animal.